This platform is only for invited speakers (invited by the Scientific Programme Committee).
Please submit the abstract for your invited lecture.
Deadline for submission of abstracts:
Wednesday, 18 July 2022, 23.59 CEST
In order to standardise the abstract layout, we kindly ask you to read the guidelines carefully.
Guidelines for preparation of abstracts
1. Abstracts may only be submitted online. Abstracts submitted by fax or email will not be accepted.
2. Abstracts must be submitted in English. Please use UK English spelling.
3. The title may not exceed 250 characters including spaces. The abstract text may not be longer than 2500 characters (ca. 300 words) including spaces, excluding disclosures. .
4. All abbreviations must be defined the first time they appear in your text (but, do not define in the title). Example: Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS), before being used as an abbreviation only.
5. Use generic drug names.
6. Tables, charts or other graphics may not be included and will be deleted by the editors.
7. Disclosure of potential conflict of interest (e.g. grant support, consultancy, membership on advisory councils, speaker’s bureau) by all authors and source of funding are mandatory. Each listed author should prepare a one sentence statement that will be published with the abstract. All disclosures should be listed within the last 3 year.
15. Please make sure to state your correct e-mail After having submitted your abstract, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail with the following information:
- reference number of your abstract (for correspondence and questions that might arise)
- your personal user code and password.
If you do not receive a confirmation by e-mail please contact
16. Should you wish to make corrections to an abstract already submitted or if you wish to submit other abstracts later, you may use your personal access code. This will shorten the submission procedure.
Corrections to abstracts can only be made up to the deadline of 18 July 2022, 23.59h CEST.
17. We kindly ask you to upload a picture of the presenting author. Please prepare the photo in one of the following formats: JPG or GIF with a max. size of 1 MB.
All accepted abstracts (incl. Late Breaking News) will be published in the online supplement of the Multiple Sclerosis Journal as well as on the ECTRIMS Congress’s website, Mobile App and in the ECTRIMS Online Library.
Full text of regular abstracts and invited faculty abstracts will be published 14 days prior to the congress (12 October 2022) on the congress website. Late Breaking News will be published on the first day of the congress (26 October 2022).
Webcasts and on the ECTRIMS Online Library
Webcasts of oral presentations will be available on the ECTRIMS congress platform until 3 months after the congress and will later on be posted on the ECTRIMS Online Library after the congress. All authors will be asked to agree to the publication of their webcast beforehand.
Deadline for submission of invited speakers’ abstracts:
Wednesday, 18 July 2022, 23.59 CEST